Services are delivered directly by the team as opposed to being brokered by other agencies or providers.
A significant link to insuring access to services is a well-trained work force on issues of YIT. The GAO report noted that one of the most important components of success is the need for better training among mental health providers in issues related to young adults.
State Programs:
As part of the Massachusetts Transition Aged Youth Initiative, the Massachusetts Department of Mental Health trained child and adult case managers, as well as, transitional aged youth case managers. This program was established in 2005 and provides age appropriate services for youth ages16-25 and assists in voc-rehab, peer services, mental health treatment, and job securing and family psycho education.
Minnesota Pacer Center Project SWIFT (Strategies for Workforce Inclusion and Family Training). Technical Assistance was provided to youth, families and youth service practitioners on topics of youth mental health needs.
This project increases awareness for parents of transition aged youth with disabilities about the resources of the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) funded youth programs as well as assists families in their efforts to access these programs. The Pacer Center designed training for youth and their families on how to use the WIA Services. The staff also provides technical assistance to youth and their families.
Experts Recommendations:
Tunnels and Cliffs Report
The recommendation for staff training was that staff is to be youth-centered, provide individualize services, offer an unconditional safety net, and insure continuity of effort and support from the youth’s perspective.
New York State Children’s Plan
Cross train children and adult service providers in the special needs of YIT at various stages of transition and to assist youth with SPMI in accessing services and supports. Employment, Education, Cultural Competence were all listed as part of Access/Linkages, as well as, in the Services category.
Table of Contents
Overview of Literature Search
Best Practices
I) Access and Linkages
A. Cross Systems Approach
B. Care Coordination
C. Family Links
D. Workforce
II) Population
A. Eligibility
B. Diverse Populations Involved with Youth in Transition
C. Schools (Screenings and Assessments)
III) Services
A. Overarching Service Needs
B. Employment
C. Education Services
D. Self-Determination and Empowerment
E. Youth Mentors
F. Clinical Services
G. Individualized and Person Centered Planning
H. Cultural Competence
I. Adult Skills Training
IV) Financing
A. Overarching Funding including Blended Models
B. Youth Oriented Services
C. Employment and Education
(Subset of Youth-Oriented Services)
D. Clinical Services
V) Housing
A. Various Housing Options for Youth in Transition
B. YIT Services Linked to Housing
C. Housing Model Funding
VI) Transition to Independence Process System (TIP)
(Emerging Best Practice)