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State Programs:
Quincy – Super Employable People – this program is for 16-22 year-olds with a mental health diagnosis. Successful transition to work through a six-week orientation program emphasizing skills and maintaining employment. (Massachusetts Report on YIT)

JOBS Program – (16-22) mental health jobs in supported employment environment. The project provides employment and case management to at-risk youth. Based on the evaluation, 57% more YIT have graduated high school or received GED since entering the program. In the year 2000, it was estimated that the program saved the state almost $700,000 in keeping kids in school and out of juvenile justice. (NCSL, Massachusetts Report and GAO Report)

The JOBS program is an innovative supported employment and intensive case management service that targets youth in transition already estranged from the community and most at risk. The program involves employers and the business community in meeting the needs of youth in transition through intense job development and training. The program also provides intensive case management services to assist in meeting other areas of needs in a person’s life including legal resources, homeless services and programs for addictions disorders

Bay Cove Academy in Boston
Urban adolescents (13-21) develop career development programs by providing students with classroom and real world employment skills, training and community job placement supported by employment training specialists.

Connecticut, Maryland and Massachusetts
These states all use a Supported Employment Model for rapid job placement in a competitive environment. Supported Employment is recognized as an evidenced-based best-practice in adult mental health. (GAO)

The state mental health agency and vocational rehabilitation agency approved 30 evidenced based supported employment programs available for young adults with serious mental illness. (GAO)

Places mental health staff in close proximity to One Stops across the State (NCSL—2006). Mental health staff housed at the One Stops will work with youth in transition in helping them with employment opportunities and navigating the various benefit options available to them.

Options in Vancouver, Washington
The Options Programs work with youth in transition between the ages of 14-25. 74% of the youth have been in the public mental health system. The program provides supported employment services through developing relationships with local employers. The program also provides job readiness services and transportation. They also work in conjunction with a local adult ACT team who added a child and adolescent specialist to work specifically with youth in this program.

Expert Recommendations:
Experts Consensus Report from Center for Mental Health Services
Labor and National Collaborative on Workforce and Disability for Youth provides technical assistance to One-Stop Centers to increase their capacity to serve individuals between 14-25. This project should provide greater access to YIT with mental illness.

Social Security Administration
Ticket To Work — Can provide supplemental funding to schools for 18-21 year old students who receive SSI/SSD benefits who have been determined to be eligible for benefits as an adult. (Social Security Administration)

Improving Transition Outcomes for Youth in Juvenile Justice Report
Jobs for American Graduate’s (JAG) Model
National program that provides classroom instruction for a trained career specialist, employment skills, adult mentoring, advise and support, summer employment and student leadership groups. This program is used generally for YIT from juvenile justice.

GAO Report and Expert Consensus Report from Center for MH Services
Medicaid Infrastructure Grant (MIG) is largely a federal employment grant. Both Maryland and Minnesota have used grant funding for YIT employment. However there can be greater utilization of the MIG funding for YIT with mental illness. This is more greatly discussed in the Finance Section (page 24).

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Table of Contents

Overview of Literature Search
Best Practices

I)      Access and Linkages
A. Cross Systems Approach
B. Care Coordination
C. Family Links
D. Workforce

II)     Population
A. Eligibility
B. Diverse Populations Involved with Youth in Transition
C. Schools (Screenings and Assessments)

III)   Services
         A. Overarching Service Needs
B. Employment
C. Education Services
D. Self-Determination and Empowerment
E. Youth Mentors
F. Clinical Services
G. Individualized and Person Centered Planning
H. Cultural Competence
I. Adult Skills Training

IV)   Financing
A. Overarching Funding including Blended Models
B. Youth Oriented Services
C. Employment and Education
             (Subset of Youth-Oriented Services)
D. Clinical Services

V)     Housing
A. Various Housing Options for Youth in Transition
B. YIT Services Linked to Housing
C. Housing Model Funding

VI)   Transition to Independence Process System (TIP)
        (Emerging Best Practice)



Literature Search: End Notes

Advisory Group Members
